Church Dedication

Daytime temperatures hovered around 100 degrees so evening gatherings were appreciated! This is an evening church dedication—the whole village turned out for the celebration. Many heard the Gospel for the first time.

Beautiful Girls

Beautiful girls say their blessing before lunch in the church based orphan home.

ICM sponsored church orphanage in Ongole, India

Orphan Girls at Vacation Bible School

There are four girls in this picture who had been saved from death. In one district of southern India, it is considered a bad omen to have a baby girl at certain times of the year. Just after birth, Drops of poison are given to these babies by their parents. A pastor from one of the ICM churches will go into the hospital and ask to buy these babies from their parents—he saves them from death and brings them to the family-style orphanage to be raised in a loving church home.

The Team in India


Paul, the Brand Manager with Air 1, with boys from one of the orphan homes.

Blessed India!

The final day of a powerful experience!  The last week has been an overwhelming adventure full of God’s power…..enjoying a day of rest today after a delayed flight back to the US.  The people of India, men, women and children have been so gracious and giving.  It has truly been a sensory overload…from the spicy yet yummy foods, to the beautiful colors of women’s and girl’s sarees, to the uplifting praising of God at the churches.  The last night we celebrated at a church & orphanage dedication.  Sarah’s Covenant Home for children with special needs was such a blessing…..need to run now, to catch our flight to the US…just a quick note…



India … continued

So, here we are in Mumbai a bit longer than expected. J Last night we had a flight delayed from Chennai to Mumbai so we missed our international flight home. But, God being the incredible provider that He is turned what looked like a massive disappointment into a wonderful time of rest and a chance to start to absorb all that we’ve seen and experienced in the past week.

I know I’ll be processing all that has taken place for a long while to come. God IS moving in India, and I’m truly humbled to be allowed to be a part of it. And you too can get involved by helping ICM continue their work in this country. The last couple days were spent with Pastor James and his amazing wife Sarah. Their calling for the people, the children, of India has definitely found favor in the eyes of God. James, a gifted church planter, has seen God turn 50 churches into 2000 in less than 10 years! The church orphanages we visited were filled with not only the smiling, hopeful faces of the children that live there, but entire communities that have been transformed by Christ’s love. I can’t wait to fill you in on all God’s doing in India and what He’s taught me through it. But, for now I’m off to catch my flight … hopefully! J  More pics to come, enjoy!

~ Sterling

God Stories!

It is hard to believe that for 6 team members our time in India is coming to end. The opportunites to see Jesus in the faces of the believers at each church we visited will be forever seared into our hearts and minds. I consider this vision trip a "journey of stories"....we heard stories of courage, sacrifice, love and God's tender mercy at every church and orphanage we visited. We heard stories of young children saved from probable death on the streets because a loving pastor and his wife were called to love and nurture them in the church-based orphanage. We heard stories of faithful parents creating a generational legacy of ministers amongst their children and grandshildren-- many years ago they laid a foundation for strong leaders for ministry in India today. We heard stories of God orchestrating every detail of the permits which have allowed two young British Pediatricians to work alongside our partner in Kerala caring for the 900 orphans in the "Mercy Homes" there. We heard stories of the church planting movement absolutely exploding near Ongole and we heard the singing and worship of the 700 pastors ministering in those church plants. ByGod's grace, He allowed us the opportunity to participate in the new stories being created as we dedicated recently completed church-orphanages and saw the faces of the young boys and girls who will be lovingly cared for in those homes--faces full of hope and expectation--life stories which will be dramatically altered because
the work of God through the partnership of ICM and our partners in India. As a result of this trip, I feel God will be writing His story in the hearts of each one of us.
Praise the Lord of the dance of life in all of its diversity and color and beauty~~Janice