June 24, 2011 -
10:05 AM -
Vision Trip Traveler
The 10 of us returned home on Saturday healthy, on time and with luggage. We were a team of 8 men (ages 16 to 78) and 2 women (ages undisclosed). We were humbled by the sacrifice and dedication of the pastors who are partners with ICM in Vietnam. We were thrilled by the beauty of the church dedicated while we were there. We were encouraged by the 100th anniversary celebration in Danang, by the love of the people for ICM’s work there and by the tremendous value ICM is adding to the work of the kingdom going on in Vietnam. We were motivated to do more- it is a country in need, with opportunities abounding for the Americans and the Vietnamese to “join forces.” We were overwhelmed that God allowed us to be a part of the miraculous work He is doing in Vietnam for these eight days. We now return with a greater sense of purpose for our own work here in the United States as we work together to fulfill Matthew 28:19: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” To God be the glory, great things He has done.
The team on the beach
Phu Hoa church
100th Anniversary Celebration
June 17, 2011 -
8:59 AM -
Vision Trip Traveler
We've returned to Danang after a trip to visit six churches of the Bru tribe in the highlands of Vietnam along what was the DMZ. The people were wonderful, and had waited for us for many hours, most having taken off the day from work to be present for our visit. Many of the churches look like tree houses- beautiful wooden structures built on stilts. We spent the night in Hue and saw the Citadel.
Our army vet team member had a wonderful encounter with a former South Vietnamese special forces soldier who had lost his hand and part of his jaw by a grenade. He is a member of one of the highland churches we visited, and just glows with the love of Christ.
We attended the closing ceremony yesterday afternoon of the 100th Anniversary of Christianity celebration in Danang. The closing song was approximately 400 members of the Jarai tribe in tribal dress singing the Hallelujah Chorus in Vietnamese. I doubt a one of us will ever forget it.
We leave for Ho Chi Minh City this morning and then home tomorrow. We are forever changed, honored to partner with ICM in changing nations and having witnessed the healing power of Jesus Christ on the people of Vietnam and on us.
June 15, 2011 -
8:36 AM -
Vision Trip Traveler
Much of Danang is a surprise. It is very cosmopolitan, with beautiful large buildings. A member of our team, Locke Clifford, who served here during the war in the JAG office in the Army, was able to find a place he visited on China Beach, but little else is familiar, 40 years later.
The people with whom we've talked are forward thinking, resilient. The joy on their faces is such amazing. One team member said "They are such a grateful people, not focused on what they don't have, but on serving their fellow man."
Isaiah 61 speaks of rebuilding, repairing, restoring and reviving the torn places. That's what ICM's work is doing here.
At the first church in Danang, they continue to write the names of new believers in a book each year. We saw the most recent book during our visit. 1033 new believers during 2010! Quite a harvest. As is always the case with ICM vision tríps, we are blessed so much more than we are blessing.
Off to see love homes, chapels and churches today on the way to Hue.
June 14, 2011 -
12:52 PM -
Vision Trip Traveler
Our team of ten has now been in Vietnam for three days. We've had some challenges with the technology here so we are slow in being able to share what we've seen and experienced. Team member Kody has put together a short video of our day of travel in. Hopefully more will follow.
Vietnam is beautiful, hot (103 degrees yeststerday) and filled with beautiful, gracious people. We attended ICM's first church in Saigon on Sunday, attended the breathtaking dedication of a church on the outskirts of Danang on Monday and this evening (Tuesday) participated in the opening cereremonies of a special event here in Danang. It is a three day event celebrating the 100th anniversary of evangelical Christianity in Vietnam. Tonight's event was held in a beautiful coliseum, with all íts 8500 seats filled. The last song included a pararade of the Vietnamese tribes in native dress. It was spectacular. One team member remarked: "I think it's a little taste of what heaven will be like-- where there will be people of every tribe and nation." People, many who have served in Vietnam, came from all over the world for this event. The man to my right was a Vietnamese from Paris, France. The man to my left was a doctor from Greensboro, NC who is Vietnamese. (Irony here- I'm from Greensboro. And no, we had no idea someone else from our town would be here. A "God wink.") This nation is changing for Christ.
The dedication service of the newly built church on Monday was incredible- music supplied by a 65 person choir. The building itself is exquisite with a tall steeple that can be seen from miles around. The people at the church had been praying for more than 30 years for their own church building. Now this church is a beacon in a community in which the closest church would be more than 20 miles away. It is transforming that community.
We are all honored by the opportunity to see what God is doing in Vietnam through ICM. ICM already has built or under construction 244 churches in Vietnam, with a 100 church goal this year, in honor òf the 100th anniversary. To be here, witnessing the fruit of the past and seeing the opportunities to support the body òf Christ in Vietnam in the future, is nothing short of a miracle.