Voodoo Still a Stronghold in Haiti

Greetings from Haiti! As I write this from a hotel on the Carribbean in the former capitol city of Cap Haitian, a voodoo festival has begun. The event lasts throughout the months of June and July making hotel rooms scarce. One of our ICM ministry partners here struggled to reserve rooms for us. Part of the rituals of the voodoo festival include self mutilation, fire dancing and the consumption of animal blood. Recognized as the world capitol of voodoo, Haiti continues to be steeped in this bizarre false religion. Nonetheless, God continues to work as "wherever sin abounds, grace abounds all the more." Through our partners, The Lord has permitted ICM to construct many churches in Haiti and part of the task this week is to explore opportunities to build even more. As with most ICM Partnered churches, we find the congregations substantially increasing once the church building is complete. Especially in Haiti, these churches become a beacon of grace and truth in the midst of a dark and lost society. While working here in Haiti, we are also beginning the process of implementing the use of TMBC (Targeted Mini Bible College) which is partially available in Creole, the native language. Please pray for ICM's work in Haiti always thanking Him for the privilege.

For ICM,
Brad Orchard