
After a long journey home from Ho Chi Minh City that began Wednesday at 3:30 a.m. (Vietnam time), no doubt the Vision Trip team has not yet had time to process all that we saw and experienced in Vietnam.  In fact, processing it all will take quite some time.

The things the Lord showed us and taught us were too many too recount in one blog post, but since jetlag has me sleepless in Albuquerque right now, I thought I would try.  We've already talked about the powerful impact the people of Vietnam had on us.  But, it occurs to me that God wants to use that impact to minister to each of us individually, according to where we are in our walk with Him at this time.

During our time in Vietnam, each of us shared with the team our testimonies, prayer needs, and our hearts.  We bonded in a way none of us could have expected. And, the common theme that emerged was "transition." Each of us is going through one at this very moment.  

As we sat together on our last night, debriefing, praying, encouraging and shedding quite a few tears, we knew without doubt that God had brought this team together strategically and intentionally, for such a time as this.  He had introduced us to the most courageous, resilient giants of the faith that many of us had ever met, in the pastors and partners and people of Vietnam.  And He would use what we had learned from them to bring each of us victoriously through our journey.

The Spirit of the Lord flowed through us as we shared and embraced one another's joys and sorrows, hopes and dreams during our time in Vietnam.  We're so very thankful for the grace He has poured out on us.  There will be much more revelation to come from this Vision Trip, but for now, we'll remain in prayer for each other, for the needs of the current and future churches and congregations in Vietnam, and for how the Lord wants to use ICM to continue the amazing work He has started there.  Blessings, dear ones.


The People of Da-lat

Our visit to the mother church in Da-lat today was an opportunity to see the amazing things the Lord has done in this mountain city.  After climbing the narrow road by bus for three hours, we found ourselves in the clouds with a much cooler climate and completely different community than what we've experienced in Vietnam thus far.  Da-lat is a vibrant city amid a provincial population of over one million, of which 65,000 are believers.  The church here, completed just last year, has a very important ministry to the surrounding region.

 Many of the people in this province are tribal people.  They experience persecution, mostly by the government, in greater measures than the Vietnamese.  But, the church's outreach to the tribal people is overcoming these obstacles.  The youth ministry here helps provide an exciting future and hope for tribal youth.  Our visit tonight came during a youth meeting where elementary, high school and college students enjoyed Bible study, worship and activities.  Praise God for what this church has been able to accomplish!  Please pray with us for resources to help reach more of the 1.2 million people here who are hungry for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


How Great Thou Art!

It's been an exhilarating visit to Nha Trang.  A three-hour drive south from Tuy Hoa last night, with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean along the way, revealed a landscape of beautiful mountains and lush foliage, and the glorious Creator of it all.  We've taken several videos of these sights and sounds, and we'll keep trying to get them posted for everyone to view.

Thanks to all for your prayers for this Vision Trip and our team.  There have been a couple of bouts with illness, but the Lord has faithfully healed and protected us, and given us a refreshing time of respite.

From Nha Trang today we will head north to Dalat to visit tribal churches. Blessings to all!


Images of our time in Vietnam

Sights and sounds of our time in Vietnam

Street scene in Nha Trang, Vietnam

Motorcycles everywhere....!

Exciting growth

We visited a chapel today, built by ICM in 1997, and saw how the church has grown exponentially. They are ready for a new 2 story church to be built! Praise the Lord!


The street where it happened

This is the village where Kim Phoc was injured from the napalm blast. The team was able to meet her sister and brother and visited this site where the famous photo was taken. The best part of the story is what God is doing in this town!!! The church built by ICM is making a tremendous impact for Christ in a place that was once so devastated by war.


A Moment in History

Today we visited the village of Trang Bang.  It is the home of Kim Phuc, depicted at age 9 in this unforgettable 1972 photo.  When the napalm bomb was dropped over Trang Bang, Kim and several family members were either severely burned or killed.  She tore off her clothes and ran screaming away from the massacre as burning skin fell from her back.  The photo won the Pulitzer Prize, and Kim Phuc survived.  But that's not the end of the story.

At age 17, Kim Phuc became a Christian and famously forgave those who dropped the bomb.  She eventually left Vietnam's Communist regime and defected to Canada.  Today, as we visited her home and the street where the photo was taken, the Vision Team was overcome by the redemptive power of Almighty God.  As we sat with Kim Phuc's family members and listened to her brother recount the events of that day, we were amazed that his greatest concern was for church growth--to reach the people of his village and province with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  

After being so deeply moved by our visit to Trang Bang, we boarded a Vietnam Air prop jet for a short flight to Phu-Yen, where we visited several more churches.  The vision, industriousness, and organizational skills of these church partners, in addition to their love and hospitality, are amazing.  More tomorrow on what lies ahead for these ministries and the souls they will reach for Christ.


Greetings and update from Janice in Vietnam

Our Vietnam partner and dear friend - Dr. Minh Dang

The Dedication of Chi Hoi Tra Cu

Friday, Sept. 21st marked the dedication of the first Christian church in an area of fifty Buddhist temples! The day included a worship choir comprised of pastors and their wives, words of encouragement from ICM's Janice Allen (pictured with our partner and host Minh Dang), and an afternoon of wonderful fellowship. Please pray for completion of the church building and the addition of their learning center and parsonage.


The Other Vietnam

Vietnam is a study in contrasts. Yesterday, as we left Saigon, drove past endless rice paddies, and crossed the muddy Mekong Delta by ferry to visit another church partner, the vivid imagery brought us back to scenes that bombarded our television screens in the sixties and seventies. When we visited an orphanage and heard the testimony and fearless commitment of the director, whose family was once among the nation's upper echelon but was plunged into poverty after the conflict began, we wept.

But then there was the beauty of the bonsai gardens, the amazing manicured foliage lining the roundabouts, and the quiet peacefulness of a people who have endured horrors we'll never know; and the hope of a church congregation building a parsonage and learning center with their own money. Praise God for all that He is doing in this country!

Today we're off to a church dedication, and then back to Ho Chi Minh City. Blessings, loved ones!


Joy Unspeakable

Today's blessings were more than we could have asked or imagined. The success of ICM church projects in Vietnam is so very gratifying to see, but what moved this team even more was the overflowing joy of the Lord we saw in each one of our partners.

In the face of persecution and oppression, these servants press on like many of us have never before seen. Pastor Thanh Thien An and his congregation built a mother church in 1996, and now have several daughter churches. But none of it came without great sacrifice, including imprisonment. Today, he asks for prayer that the government would end its two-year delay of a building permit for another much-needed church.

Despite it all, this man of God carries a radiance and peace that defy circumstances. And, the same was true of every single brother and sister we visited today.

Please pray for favor and open doors for Pastor Thanh and for all our partners in Vietnam to continue to grow their work, and to overcome all government obstacles.

The Vision Trip team has caught the infectious joy of our Vietnamese friends, and anxiously looking forward to tomorrow's church dedication. Blessings to all!


First Day in Saigon

We've all heard of the best laid plans, and know that they don't always work out.  The bulk of our team (the nine travelers who left from Chicago) encountered a cancelled flight and a 24-hour delay in leaving the States.  We just received word they've arrived in Hong Kong and will be here in Vietnam late tonight.

Those of us who did get in last night had a good night's rest and a morning of seeing the sights around the city.  As we drove through the streets of Saigon en route to the hotel at about 1:00 a.m., I couldn't help but think how God has repaired and restored this place from the ravages of war.  And now He is restoring hearts and lives.  Souls are being won to Christ and this nation is being transformed.  What a privilege to be a part of it all!

Carla Bastos

Hello from Hong Kong

Part of our team (Tom, Nancy and Carla) has arrived in Hong Kong after an uneventful 14-hour flight from San Francisco. The rest of the group is still en route from Chicago following some delays, but we trust they'll be joining us here shortly. Another long layover before we depart for Vietnam, but no worries--Hong Kong Int'l Airport is spacious and comfortable, and we're enjoying some fellowship, catching up on e-mails and people watching. See you in Ho Chi Minh City!

Carla Bastos

On Our Way!

Here in San Francisco with our dear sister Nancy, waiting to board our flight to Hong Kong. All is well, and we're looking forward to a smooth flight. Coveting your prayers,

Carla Bastos

Packed and ready!

Our group of hearty travelers is finally ready to embark on ICM’s Vietnam Vision Trip.  Coming from far and wide, we’ll each head out early Monday morning and eventually meet in Ho Chi Minh City on Wednesday.  We’ll be an eclectic group—experienced travelers and novices, those who have been to Vietnam and those who have not—so, I expect the Lord to do amazing things in and through each one of us!  Please pray for safety and favor, and that He will use us mightily to bless the people of Vietnam.  More later…



Carla Bastos


Vietnam awaits!

The latest ICM Vision Team is headed for Vietnam in just a few days. Add preparations and travel to your prayer list for the team that they will arrive safe and rested! You'll hear from them shortly!