Another day, another coke??? It's true, yesterday was a lovely day for Coca-Cola. We spent time with Pastor Joy, an ICM partner, and his family, and not only were we greeted with necklaces of fragrant sandalwood, but ice cold glasses of coke! It was an amazing day...not because of the familiar taste of soda, but thanks to the wonderful work God is doing here. It is evident in the joyful faces of the 40 girls in the orphanage as they danced and sang praise to Jesus for the hopeful, tearful faces of the older women when they asked for prayer...and in the love that was shown for these children saved from death at the hands of their parents at only 1 day old. I am falling in love with the people of India. Their faith is enviable, and their commitment to service has stirred something inside of me....pushing me to a greater level of sacrifice. I wish you were here to see and experience the movement of Christ here. It would change your life. It certainly has mine.
~ Sterling
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