Hungry for Love

After visiting ICM built churches and church/orphanages in Uganda and Kenya the last few days, the vision trip team has noted one important fact; African orphans are starving for love. Everywhere we went, we met children with smiles full of joy, deafening laughter and shouting and outstretched arms seeking just a touch or a moment of love from us. The work ICM is being allowed to do by God here in Africa is indeed humbling. By His grace and by the generous giving of faithful donors, ICM is continuing with our African ministry partners, to construct church/orphanages that are not only houses of worship, but also much needed housing for orphans who have been parentally stranded by AIDS, war and poverty. Soon our team will return home with hearts full of what they've experienced here in the wilds of the African Continent. Thanks for reading and thanks for your prayers!

Brad Orchard for ICM
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