Reflections from the air...

In that our experience up to the point of writing this is strictly our travel, the ditty below reports our thoughts:


Perhaps (Reflections in the air)


We’re headed now for Vietnam.

Our flight is in the air.

It didn’t start out rosy, though,

And here’s what I can share.


Chicago snow delayed all flights,

And forced our group to wait.

With long lines, … our sole certainty

Was that we’d all be late.


But fin-al-ly our 1st flight left,

And then before we knew,

The plane descended through the storm,

Chicago was in view!


O’Hare was oh-so crowded as

Each tried to change their flight.

Despair upon the faces showed

Their overcoming plight.


But what was real’y happening?

We searched to find a clue.

What should we all be looking for?

What would God have us do?


Perhaps a test to have us learn

To wait and trust in Him?

Perhaps a chance to fellowship, …

Not focus on what’s dim.


Perhaps to nudge us all to pray

For wisdom from above.

Perhaps to use us in this place

To share His grace and love.


And maybe so we now can see,

He doesn’t let time lapse.

He simply carves it out so we

Can ponder on … “perhaps.”


Blessings to you from wherever we encountered our first internet connection...

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