
After a long journey home from Ho Chi Minh City that began Wednesday at 3:30 a.m. (Vietnam time), no doubt the Vision Trip team has not yet had time to process all that we saw and experienced in Vietnam.  In fact, processing it all will take quite some time.

The things the Lord showed us and taught us were too many too recount in one blog post, but since jetlag has me sleepless in Albuquerque right now, I thought I would try.  We've already talked about the powerful impact the people of Vietnam had on us.  But, it occurs to me that God wants to use that impact to minister to each of us individually, according to where we are in our walk with Him at this time.

During our time in Vietnam, each of us shared with the team our testimonies, prayer needs, and our hearts.  We bonded in a way none of us could have expected. And, the common theme that emerged was "transition." Each of us is going through one at this very moment.  

As we sat together on our last night, debriefing, praying, encouraging and shedding quite a few tears, we knew without doubt that God had brought this team together strategically and intentionally, for such a time as this.  He had introduced us to the most courageous, resilient giants of the faith that many of us had ever met, in the pastors and partners and people of Vietnam.  And He would use what we had learned from them to bring each of us victoriously through our journey.

The Spirit of the Lord flowed through us as we shared and embraced one another's joys and sorrows, hopes and dreams during our time in Vietnam.  We're so very thankful for the grace He has poured out on us.  There will be much more revelation to come from this Vision Trip, but for now, we'll remain in prayer for each other, for the needs of the current and future churches and congregations in Vietnam, and for how the Lord wants to use ICM to continue the amazing work He has started there.  Blessings, dear ones.

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