The Common Bond

Since my return from Tanzania on September 4, I've often recalled the events from the vision trip—the different churches we visited and the wonderful people we joined in worship and song. While still very fresh in my mind, I find the experience hard to translate into words. How can one describe the indescribable? You simply can't. I will try my best, however, to give you a glimpse of the experiences most meaningful to me.

First, I was struck by the easygoing attitude of the African people as they talked about "African Time". Suffice to say, an African minute and a New York minute are not equal. Secondly, I was stunned by the beauty of God's creation in the land and people of Tanzania. As we met many believers during our travels, I saw their inner beauty reflected through their deep and unshakable commitment to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, though many had faced persecution.

While en route to churches, I had the privilege of hearing several of the pastors’ testimonies. As I listened to their stories, I stood in awe of the redemptive power of the Cross. What a mighty, loving God we serve! The more time we spent with our African brothers and sisters, the more I came to realize that while there were great differences in our cultures and life experiences, there was also a common bond that brought us together in a very personal way, and that unity came through the love of Jesus.

For me, the trip was a perfect example of the Proverb, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another". It was through our cultural differences that a more refined edge was developed in our faith, and I, for one, came away much richer from the experience.

~Ron Scott, ICM Area Director for the Midwest
3 Responses
  1. Peter Says:

    Dear guys,
    This is very serious matter,
    Let me know why are you encouraging the fraud and Cheaters like Vishwasi Sangati people?

  2. Unknown Says:

    I have lot of respect on ICM ministries but due to your Unfair with Vishwasi Sangati which hosting same leaders like Vishwa Vani Christian Missionary organization in India. I have sent you an email with all the details of their fraud and cheating against the law and also against the sponsors in India and abroad. I told you people not to encourage such kind of fake Christian Leaders in India. But you are just slipped my complaint.

  3. Unknown Says:

    Please let you help many others in India we will be happy. But don't encourage Vishwa Vani Leaders.

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