Modern Day Exodus in West Africa

As war in Liberia intensified, ICM Ministry Partner Rev. Claudius Deah harbored fugitives and refugees in his home. In an African version of the story of Schindler’s List, he eventually hosted 375 people crammed into his small 4 bedroom home. As the enemy approached and began to surround the district, it became clear that this collection of houseguests that included the wounded, elderly and children had to escape and cross the border into Guinea. With the faith of Moses, Rev. Deah bravely led the mob in the dark of night away from gunfire and into safety. As they walked and sometimes ran through village after village, people joined the exodus. As they approached the border, they encountered armed rebels who warned of mass murder if they continued their journey. Deah would not be deterred, “the battle is God’s and He has gone before us,” the pastor proclaimed as he courage sly marched forward. Upon this display of confident faith, the soldiers laid down their rifles and weapons and joined the refugees. When they crossed the border, the crowd had grown to 17,000 people. When war ended, Rev. Deah established a church planting ministry in Guinea and eventually Liberia and then 5 other West African countries. ICM is honored and humbled to partner with a giant of faith such as Rev. Claudius Deah.

Brad Orchard, ICM
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