Vietnam Trip

We've returned to Danang after a trip to visit six churches of the Bru tribe in the highlands of Vietnam along what was the DMZ. The people were wonderful, and had waited for us for many hours, most having taken off the day from work to be present for our visit. Many of the churches look like tree houses- beautiful wooden structures built on stilts. We spent the night in Hue and saw the Citadel.

Our army vet team member had a wonderful encounter with a former South Vietnamese special forces soldier who had lost his hand and part of his jaw by a grenade. He is a member of one of the highland churches we visited, and just glows with the love of Christ.

We attended the closing ceremony yesterday afternoon of the 100th Anniversary of Christianity celebration in Danang. The closing song was approximately 400 members of the Jarai tribe in tribal dress singing the Hallelujah Chorus in Vietnamese. I doubt a one of us will ever forget it.

We leave for Ho Chi Minh City this morning and then home tomorrow. We are forever changed, honored to partner with ICM in changing nations and having witnessed the healing power of Jesus Christ on the people of Vietnam and on us.
4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Wow! Wish I were there!! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it! -Monica Roth

  2. Anonymous Says:

    ^--- yeah...what SHE said! Just so heartwarming to hear these stories! ~keb

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Thank you! Your information is very useful to us. By- JEEVA

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for the information... I really love your blog posts... specially those on k-mac

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