The Pace of Life in India

Fast, very fast.  Life in India seems like a busy street in New York, except with more people and animals and cars, running and wandering and honking.  With a staggering 1.2 billion people, there are few places to go where you are not surrounded.  So far, the pace of the trip has been quick and we have not spent more than one night in the same hotel.  We've taken planes, trains, and automobiles to get to some remote destinations.  As you can see from the pictures above, we've run into some traffic.  But, we've been able to get safely get to all of our destinations, and been able to spend valuable time in remote villages.  

On Sunday, we had the amazing opportunity to visit one small village outside of Surat in Southeastern side of India.  The village was a pretty typical rural setting with mud and thatched roof huts, cows and chickens sitting or wandering about, and the occasional satellite dish connecting the community with the world.  We had the opportunity that morning to help build their church.  Vishwa Vani ministries has been able to reach out and evangelize to a growing church there and now they are in the process of building a church building in partnership with ICM.  We all grabbed large round buckets of cement and poured them into the foundations that had been dug for the church building as we prayed and sang hallelujah with the congregation.  It was an unforgettable experience - experiencing the body of Christ working together, all made in His image.  We look forward to seeing the church building be used as a tool to continue building the body of Christ in this fast paced country in need of the Gospel.

-Matt Allen

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