This sums up our day...

Joe West
832.347.2972Today was an adventure, to say the least. There were some high highs, and some low lows, but all the while, God was carrying us through. And through every hurdle, we could feel his hand pushing us along to our next destination.

We had the pleasure of visiting three completed churches, located within a couple hours of each other. Quick bus ride right? The clouds had other plans for our easy transport. It rained most of the day, which rapidly created muddy roads and flooded streets. I'm talking knee deep in some places. I can't even count the amount of times I thought, "Ok, for sure we're going to stall out now." But every time, we made it through.

Upon the arrival to church two, our buses became stuck in the mud. But with the help of our Bolivian brothers and some very strong men on our team, we were able to push it out of the mud and get on to our next location!

The hilarious picture you'll see below is the arrival at our last church stop. I'm the very long mannequin looking girl a top the very strong man. This is how a city girl makes it the last leg of the journey, haha. I have a nice boyfriend :) The flooding and mud had reached a maximum from the saturation of the day. And this particular church was located about two blocks in from the main road. The path was muddy, flooded and dirty. Our leaders gave us all the option to stay on the bus, but every single member of our team traversed the obstacles and made it inside. I think we all knew God has something incredible waiting for us at the other end. And wow, did He ever! We were greeted with some of the kindest most welcoming people we could ever hoped to have met. Hugging us, kissing us and whole heartedly welcoming us to their beautifully constructed new church. We danced an ancient Bolivian dance, we sang and shared the love of Jesus with these incredible people and it wasn't long before we all forgot about our wet feet and clothes. We were warmed by the love of Christ and all feeling more blessed than we could ever imagine.

It was truly amazing to see what a joyful time God created from the hardships we faced getting there. Thank you to Jesus, for guiding and directing our steps in everything we do. I look forward to what else you have in store for us!
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