On our way....

Post from Sterling, Air One DJ:

Whew! I made it! I cant' believe I'm in India!! What a journey- 3 1/2 hours fro Sacramento to Houston then another 4 hours to Newark, to wait for a couple hours and finally hop aboard this massive plane-seriously, 3 rows of 3 seats wide-for the 15 hour jaunt to Mumbai. It was awesome- I had all 3 seats to myself. so how did I spend my time?

Well, I started and finished "The Shack" by Wm. Paul Young, munched some delicious Indian rice, stared at a cube of what looked like orange jello with coconut and seeds inside for probably 10 minutes before I decided -Nah, its not worth it, had my black gel pen explode all over my hand , spent some wonderful time with God in His Word, had eggs and a brownie and slept ALOT!!!

The next thing I know I'm walking outside the airport and into a whole new world. It's 10 pm but this city is happening! The streets are lined with shops and people, the occasional dog and cat and the smell of sandlewood incense. I'm greeted at the hotel with a tiny glass of what tastes like orange Fanta --i think I'm going to love this place!!!
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