Where do I even begin? The last couple days have been a blur of curry, sweat, and the sweet presence of the Lord. To see what God is doing here in India is nothing short of incredible. We've been spending time with Pastor Daniel, an ICM partner here and visiting his Mercy Homes in Kerala. Mercy Home is a church where the Pastor who leads there and his wife take in 10 beautiful desperate children and raise them as part of their family. We met 2 young brothers yesterday at the Vellaparra Mercy Home who had watched their father crush their mother's head and then burn her alive. So, to see them in a home full of hope and healing, for them to be brought up with Jesus, in complete love was truly the work of God. It was an emotional day yesterday, I cried a lot...I worshipped...and I prayed. I am so grateful to have the ability and resources we do in America, and so determined to make sure everyone there knows what God is doing here in India, and how easy it is to be a part of it. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

I have no idea how God is going to use these restored children, but I KNOW he will and I'm excited for the chance to help. Thank you for your prayers for this team and please pray for God's work in India and the children He is raising up.

Love you, In His service~ Sterling

1 Response
  1. Coppelia Says:

    Awesome! I'm so glad you got the chance to go! You almost made me cry with what you wrote. You can tell God is doing amazing things. Can't wait to hear all the stories when you come back! God bless you ALL!

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