God Stories!

It is hard to believe that for 6 team members our time in India is coming to end. The opportunites to see Jesus in the faces of the believers at each church we visited will be forever seared into our hearts and minds. I consider this vision trip a "journey of stories"....we heard stories of courage, sacrifice, love and God's tender mercy at every church and orphanage we visited. We heard stories of young children saved from probable death on the streets because a loving pastor and his wife were called to love and nurture them in the church-based orphanage. We heard stories of faithful parents creating a generational legacy of ministers amongst their children and grandshildren-- many years ago they laid a foundation for strong leaders for ministry in India today. We heard stories of God orchestrating every detail of the permits which have allowed two young British Pediatricians to work alongside our partner in Kerala caring for the 900 orphans in the "Mercy Homes" there. We heard stories of the church planting movement absolutely exploding near Ongole and we heard the singing and worship of the 700 pastors ministering in those church plants. ByGod's grace, He allowed us the opportunity to participate in the new stories being created as we dedicated recently completed church-orphanages and saw the faces of the young boys and girls who will be lovingly cared for in those homes--faces full of hope and expectation--life stories which will be dramatically altered because
the work of God through the partnership of ICM and our partners in India. As a result of this trip, I feel God will be writing His story in the hearts of each one of us.
Praise the Lord of the dance of life in all of its diversity and color and beauty~~Janice
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