India … continued

So, here we are in Mumbai a bit longer than expected. J Last night we had a flight delayed from Chennai to Mumbai so we missed our international flight home. But, God being the incredible provider that He is turned what looked like a massive disappointment into a wonderful time of rest and a chance to start to absorb all that we’ve seen and experienced in the past week.

I know I’ll be processing all that has taken place for a long while to come. God IS moving in India, and I’m truly humbled to be allowed to be a part of it. And you too can get involved by helping ICM continue their work in this country. The last couple days were spent with Pastor James and his amazing wife Sarah. Their calling for the people, the children, of India has definitely found favor in the eyes of God. James, a gifted church planter, has seen God turn 50 churches into 2000 in less than 10 years! The church orphanages we visited were filled with not only the smiling, hopeful faces of the children that live there, but entire communities that have been transformed by Christ’s love. I can’t wait to fill you in on all God’s doing in India and what He’s taught me through it. But, for now I’m off to catch my flight … hopefully! J  More pics to come, enjoy!

~ Sterling

2 Responses
  1. We miss you everyone.. hope you all got home safe. Thanks for everything... James Rebbavarapu

  2. Many, many thanks , James to you and to your team in Ongole. I know Johnson will likely have many "stories" to share about his ride with us to Chennai. Several in the group shared testimonies--God is so personal and so good!
    Blessings to you all at ICMI!

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