Africa: Obstacles and Opportunity

As I wind down a 16 day trip through Africa working with ICM ministry partners, the paradox of obstacles and opportunity becomes apparent. In the Democratic Republic of Congo we have, by God's grace, constructed over 70 churches. But the need for churches is in the thousands. The people are in dire need of the Gospel as well as basic needs. The oppression they experience can take your breath away. A new partner and his family live without electricity because the local utility went bankrupt. In their city of Mbuji-Mayi, a large diamond mining business co-owned by the Congolese government and Belgium interests, manages to produce enough electricity to generate profits, but the largely million-plus population surrounding them lives in darkness. In picturesque Madagascar, the poverty is intense and yet our new partner has managed to plant over 200 congregations in rural villages. I visited a hilltop where in the 1600's the Queen of Madagascar executed Christians by having them thrown over the cliff to their deaths. I was humbled to be invited to preach at one of our partner's churches and over 50 gave their lives to Christ. In Ethiopia, the airline lost my luggage on the same day an Ethiopian airliner plunged into the Mediterranian Sea killing all 90 on board. I am privileged to escape such an incident given the volume of flying I do in this part of the world. I lost a bag while so many lost their lives. Thankfully, God is blessing all the trouble here king opportunities to advance His Kingdom. God bless you and thank you for reading!
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