God: the Father of the Fatherless

It's quite possible that Sunday, January 17, 2010 will be remembered as an historic day for the work of ICM in Africa. Without a doubt, it will be remembered by the 300 adults and children who participated in the very first Church/Orphanage dedication service and celebration in Kitale, Kenya last Sunday. Over a year ago, we believe the Lord led ICM to embark on a new initiative, partnering with indigenous African ministries to construct combination church/orphanages. It seems before we could catch our breath, we had nearly 15 such projects in various stages of development throughout the Continent. Church/Orphanages, first pioneered by ICM and our partners in Cambodia, India, Viet Nam and Pakistan, are now finding their way to Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Uganda and our very first project in Kenya, dedicated last Sunday. During the service, we were reminded that David provided a place at the King's table for Jonathan's son and that Christ Himself is preparing a place for all those who trust Him for their salvation in His Father's house (John 14). Now He has provided a place for these little African orphans to live, be nurtured and grow in Christ. We also marveled that the two-floor church/orphanage symbolically places the orphans living on the second floor closest to Heaven, while on the first floor, the church is there to undergird and support the young fatherless ones! Please pray for the new church/orphanage in Kenya and for the other similar projects under construction throughout Africa. And please pray for the author of this blog as he continues to travel in Africa this month. I am writing from the Democratic Republic of Congo presently but soon I will continue on to Madagascar, Ethiopia and Egypt before returning home to my family at the end of the month. Praise God for His lovingkindness. God bless you.
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