Our ICM team has just returned from Uganda and Kenya where I was reminded of a wonderful old hymn written by Maltbie Babcock in 1901. The title recalls an expression Babcock commonly used when beginning a hike around his home near Lake Ontario: “I’m going out to see my Father’s world.” While in Africa, the ICM team had a wonderful opportunity to personally see and experience new parts of God’s world!

Uganda is known as the “pearl of Africa” for its breathtaking scenery, lush vegetation, wide variety of animals and cultural diversity. In sharp contrast, this country also struggles with rampant HIV, extreme poverty, corruption and in some locations, horrific human abuse and violence. Africa is filled with irony: beauty and hardship, love and pain, good and evil—yet it is all a part of God’s world.

In the words of Babcock’s hymn:

“He speaks to me everywhere. This is my Father’s world.
O Let me ne’er forget that though the wrong seems oft so
strong, God is the ruler yet. This is my Father’s world:
the battle is not done; Jesus who died shall be satisfied,
and the earth and heav’n be one.”

Our team saw firsthand how God is using ICM to spread the Gospel message of hope, love and peace to a hurting world. In locations around the globe where you would think hopelessness and pain might reign, it is remarkable to see love, gratitude and peace abound all the more. The purity of God’s grace can often flourish in locations where the sense of need is so tremendous.

However, whether we live in a poor African village or a sophisticated American city, God’s personal message is the same for each of us:

“I have designed you to need Me moment by moment. As your awareness of your neediness increases, so does your realization of My abundant sufficiency. I can meet every one of your needs without draining My resources at all. Approach My throne of grace with bold confidence, receiving My Peace with a thankful heart ... I give you sufficient Peace for the present, when you come to me by prayer and petition with thanksgiving.” (excerpt from “Jesus Calling” by Sarah Young)

While recognizing our neediness as individuals and as a ministry, let us go before the throne of Grace with our prayers, petitions and praise:

Pray for the Light of Christ to shine boldly through the lives of the pastors and believers in the most remote villages of Africa.

Pray that individuals and small groups in Uganda, Kenya, Burkina Faso and other countries of Africa using Mini Bible College materials would learn to treasure the Word of God as the pearl of greatest value.

Pray for the expansion of the Church in Africa … that it would be both deep in the Word and wide in its growth!

“The World is Mine, and all that is within it.” Psalm 50:12

By His Grace,

Janice R. Allen
Executive Chair
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