What is a Vision Trip? Janice posts from Africa...

I am often asked , “Just what exactly is a vision trip?” Most people are familiar with short term mission trips, where you go to one location and spend time on specific projects with one ministry or church. In contrast, an ICM vision trip is intended to give the team a chance to interact with multiple congregations and pray with numerous local pastors and leaders….hopefully, it is a blessed opportunity to capture a vision for how God is moving in the country and to get a sense of how ICM is being used to accelerate the vision to blanket a nation for Jesus Christ.

Of course, that is a wonderful purpose for the trip. However, I have always felt the more important goal of a vision trip is the opportunity to see Jesus. The team is already praying that our eyes would be open to see all that God has on his heart for us to experience spiritually…..we are praying that we would have spirits open to see Jesus in the faces of the men , women and children in the villages of Kenya and Uganda. We are praying that the blurred vision which can result from the distractions from daily lives in America will be refocused on God and what He is doing amongst His people to bring the world unto Himself. Thank you for praying for the Africa vision trip team!!

- Janice

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