Saturated Saturday: 4th of 4 Postings

In the later afternoon, we were taken to Pleiku, where there were two locations where work had been started outside the ICM Partnership, and for which our Vietnamese Partner was now seeking our help.  The first of these can be seen in Big Plans, a building started in 2005 and which is the only evangelical church in this city.  While there, we inspected the work (mostly laying the floor and finishing the inside and outside walls; see Inside Job) prayed for the congregation and pastor (who shared of his great trials) and could not help but notice the presence of a symbol of that Living Water that gives us all new life (see Bottling PheNAMenol Water).


One more stop to visit another partially completed building (for which they were seeking help to complete; it is not ICM’s position to help finish already-started buildings, but with prayer, cause and counsel, we do make exceptions) and then rode on for dinner on the rooftop of a hotel (see Dining Up and When U Come To a Fork, seen from our dining area) … all before THEN driving to the airport to fly back to Ho Chi Minh City where we checked into our next hotel.


Whew!  All in another day’s Vision Trip work.  Thanks for traveling with us,

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