An Inside Look: Email 2 of 2 Emails

Our drive-time gives us a virtual cultural tour of the country, almost as if watching a documentary.  In Ho Chi Minh City, as in so many cities, we are struck by the magnitude of people who do not know God (based on statistics), and on the opportunity the Church has to lead them to faith (see Sea of Seekers).


At all points along this trip, we are presented with food and fellowship opportunities, having to manage our time even as we enjoy the moment of drinking it all in (see The Last Straw).


Then at days-end, whether on the bus or back at the hotel, there is often an opportunity for our Church Growth Partner traveling with us to give us a briefing on the work being done or what still lies ahead in our travel (see Projecting a Good Image). 


As this is written and posted on the day of our departure, know that reports will be coming as time allows.  Blessings on your day or evening!

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