Get ready, get set, .... soon!

International Cooperating Ministries, or ICM, is an intra-denominational ministry that partners with church organizations in other countries to build churches or church-related buildings, and to use translated Bible teachings to nurture their believers.  To date, there are over 3,700 projects (mostly churches and mostly in rural areas) built or under construction in 58 countries, including Vietnam.  About 400 projects are under construction in many of these countries (collectively) at all times.  The Bible teachings are called (in our language) Mini Bible College and are made available for broadcasting or small group use in 27 languages.  Content materials include Study Booklets, Leaders Guides, Student Workbooks and audio on players that are iPod-sized, solar powered and do not allow the users to change the content.  The Mini Bible College audio and Study Booklets are available for streaming or download for no charge on 


Our group of 15 will be leaving Monday morning, February 21, arriving in Ho Chi Minh City Tuesday evening and returning home on the evening of February 28.  Our travels will be mostly in the southern part of Vietnam, with Ho Chi Minh City being our ‘come back’ point between visits south and then north of there.  The areas covered are shown on the attached map.


May you be blessed in reading about and seeing the trip highlights.  Please pray God will use our presence as one of His presents (of encouragement) to the people we meet with in Vietnam, and that He will allow us to be blessed by what we see of Him in those we encounter.

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