An Inside Look: Email 1 of 2 Emails

While much of our days are spent visiting churches and traveling to see the churches we visit, the before, after and in-between time is also precious.  Here are some inside looks at what goes on.  These come from an unusual day when, because of our travel from Ho Chi Minh City to Ca-Mau, we visited only one church.  Still many elements of a typical day were present.


Each morning starts with breakfast and a devotion.  On most days, because of the late night go-to-bed and the early-rise for the new day, we have our quick breakfast and then head out, holding an on-the-run devotion.  Vision Team members take turns with the devotion, sharing whatever is on their heart.  These are precious reminders of the power of the word and precious insights into the hearts of the presenting team member (see Moving Message).  At each of our stops, there is some time of sharing by the church leaders (see Leadership Lessons), as they talk about their vision and what the Church is doing.  And at the end of that time, we always have prayer for and with the leaders (see Fruitful Prayer) and their families.  Viewing the church building (be it where they now worship before having a new church building, where a new church building is under construction or a completed church building).  Of course, this always presents the opportunity for a group photo, which in this case was taken at the foot of the Cross of a very large ICM-partnered church in downtown Ho Chi Minh City (see Foot of the Cross).



One more email this time!

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